All services are offered on an hourly basis. For our current rates and to schedule a free consultation:
- Grocery & personal shopping
- Dry cleaning drop off & pick up
- Package prep and shipping
- Pharmacy/pet prescriptions
- Taking items for repair
- Purchase home office supplies
- And other
Project Management
- Research and coordinate vendors for home projects
- Obtain and review all bids and proposals
- Coordinate deliveries, meetings, and long-term maintenance
- Manage all home repairs of any size
Vehicle Services
- Service appointments
- Wash/detail/gas
- New car procurement
Vacation Homes
- Opening and closing
- Weekly visits for security checks
- Manage vendors and staff
Party Planning/Coordination
- Holiday parties
- Birthdays
- Dinner parties
- Cocktail parties
Absentee Home Care
- Weekly home checks
- Mail collection
- Plant watering
- Pet sitting
Travel & Excursions
- Research transportation, lodging, dinner, spa treatments, outings, etc.
Relocation Services
- Research and hire movers
- Purchase packing/moving supplies
- Pack/unpack and organize
- Facilitate cleaning services
- Acclimate you to your new neighborhood
Remote Services
- Purchase gifts and deliver to local friends, business associates, or loved ones
- Purchase, pick-up, and ship any retail item you can’t find in your hometown
- Online research
Holiday Help
- Gift shopping and wrapping
- Post office and delivery services
- Holiday card mailings
- Gift returns
- Post holiday organizing